Lightyears Collection
"Our Version of Chanel No.5"
Jean Philippe Fragrances

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Jean Philippe Fragrances' "alternate designer fragrance"

Jean Philippe Fragrances' "alternate" version of Chanel No.5

Bottle shown on this pages comes from a dollar store in Texas and was purchased for just one dollar. Jean Philippe Fragrances sell what they refer to as "alternative designer fragrances", a polite term for knockoffs. The bottle here is named "our version of Chanel No.5 for women", contains 2.5 fluid ounces (75 ml), and is distributed by "Jean Philippe Tristar", New York City. The box is labeled "Made in China". Thus this bottle appears to have been distributed after the 2002 acquisition of certain Tristar brands by Jean Philippe Fragrances.

Was this bottle simply dumped in the dollar store because it couldn't fetch a regular price? In fact, in their 2002 Annual Report, Inter Perfumes — owner of Jean Philippe Fragrances — makes specific mention of dollar store sales, which are a regular part of their business, although now diminishing profitability.

The fact that this fragrance can be sold profitably for just one dollar at retail makes one wonder at what the manufacturing costs must be. Certainly this this Jean Philippe bottle highlights the profit potential in perfume — for those who are able to sell it. For Jean Mader and Philippe Benacin, true designer fragrances are now proving more profitable than their "alternatives".

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If you have any information on Inter Perfumes, Tristar, or Jean Philippe Fragrances that you would like to share with us, please do so using the message sender below.

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  • charles berenguer, 03/15/2019. I've been using the different versions of eua de toilette after shave cologne for a number of years. I buy this at our local dollar store. I find this product very well to my satisfaction-however I do not find them on sale there! Where can I order them?

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  • Monette Baugh, 06/22/2017. I buy the great false version, it smells the same as the original. But I also know some women that agree with me,but they won't buy it
    because of the flacon, they want that pretty original bottle. Il n'y que la foi qui sauve.
    Thank you Jean-Philippe

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Philip Goutell's Signature

Philip Goutell
Lightyears, Inc.